Affordable Dental Bone Graft in Orange County, CA

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Bone grafting in the oral cavity today is a routine, predictable and painless procedure. While the need for bone grafting has been significantly reduced, it has not been eliminated entirely. However, in most cases it is now relegated to small minimally invasive interventions that can be managed quite easily in an ambulatory (office) setting.

Furthermore, while bone grafting of earlier years involved harvesting and using large quantities of the patient’s own bone, today we can use processed bone that has been harvested from animals and cadavers. These grafts are generally comprised only of the mineral content of natural bone, have been sterilized and have had all organic material removed. Using bovine bone (cow bone) and cadaver bone as a graft material has become commonplace in most oral surgical offices today and has been a tried and proven technique for many years.

A simplified explanation for the success of this form of grafting is that a bone graft is placed to act as a “biological placeholder.” Initially, it mechanically prevents the collapse of the surrounding tissues, whether that is bone or soft tissue. Then, through a process called “guided tissue regeneration,” the human body is fooled biochemically to recognize the graft as natural bone and over time resorbs and replaces it with the patient’s own native bone. The most common bone grafting required involves one or a combination of the following three simpler outpatient procedures:

  • The Alveolar Ridge Preservation Graft or “Socket Graft”
The Alveolar Ridge Preservation Graft or “Socket Graft
  • The Guided Bone Regeneration Graft or “Augmentation Graft”
dental bone grafting
  • The Subantral Graft or “Sinus Lift Procedure”
sinus lift procedure

What is a dental bone graft

Sinus floor elevation - inadequate bone for implants in the back tooth area

l-prf dental

To enhance our grafting procedures we add the L-PRF protocol with its new advances into the very nature of the healing process. L-PRF™ is a 3-D autogenous combination of Platelet Rich Fibrin derived from the patient’s blood. A simplified chairside procedure results in the production of a thin, compressed layer of platelet rich fibrin that is strong, pliable and suitable for suturing. This natural fibrin network is rich in platelets, growth factors and cytokines that are derived from the blood platelets and leukocytes. The presence of these proteins have been reported to produce rapid healing, especially during the critical first seven days after placement. This network promotes more efficient cell migration and proliferation without chemical or bovine thrombin additives.

At your initial consultation we will go over the details of the grafting procedures part of your specific treatment.